Runway 08L/26R

United Kingdom / England / Crawley /
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Length: 8415 ft. Width : 145 ft
Runway 08L/26R is a non-instrument runway and will only be used when Runway 08R/26L is temporarily non-operational by reason of maintenance or incident.
Additionally, during weeks where planned maintenance does not take place, Runway 08L/26R will be in use on Thursday morning of each week from 0100 to 0400 (Winter) and 0001 to 0300 (Summer) for lighting checks, subject to weather and confirmation on ATIS
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   51°8'57"N   -0°11'43"E


  • is this a runway or a taxiway
  • During normal operations it is used as a taxiway It's also a stand-by runway and is only be used when the main runway (08R/26L) is out of use.
  • from what i understand it was built as a taxiway but eventually widened into a runway
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This article was last modified 11 years ago