Jhor Bagh, Garden of Mughal Babar

India / Rajasthan / Dhaulpur / Badi Road
 site - to be removed, place with historical importance
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This whole Area should be re-excavated carefully by Archaeology dept. Very important for Dholpur's history {by Gaurhav H Atri}
This whole area was used by Imperial forces since time immemorial for putting up their Royal camps and is being neglected now days. There are remains of Mughal Garden and ruins of temples, plus a large water Tank. Today its occupied illegally.
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Coordinates:   26°41'20"N   77°51'54"E


  • I met Elizabeth Moyinan yesterday. She feels, this place must be conserved. I know Rajasthan Gov. was interested. I hope Mr. S. Ahmed ( Chief Sec) would really take interest. Such an important site is an extremely important in History.
This article was last modified 10 years ago