
India / Madhya Pradesh / Sabalgarh /
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Village Mongepura, Paduka Devi Temple
Village of Late Shri Lalji Meena
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Coordinates:   26°15'55"N   77°12'18"E


  • Villtage mongepura is not of late shri Lalji meena but fonder of mongepura was mr Monge Meena
  • founder of Villtage mongepura is not late shri Lalji meena but founder of mongepura was mr Monge Meena. PADUKA DEVI[PANDAV RANI DEVI) FAMOUS TEMPLE IS SITUATED IN ATAGHUR DISTANCE 1.5 KM FROM MONGEPURA BHAGAT NAME: SH GIRVAR MEENA PUJARI: SH VISHNU SHARMA THAT TIME A SADHU SHRI SHRI SHRI 108 SHRI Laxman das maharaj lived in paduka temple Dr.Darshan Lal Meena MCA,M.Tech(CS),M.Phil(cs) & Ph.D(Computer Science) Lecturer kendriya vidyalaya
This article was last modified 16 years ago