UAH-College of San Ildefonso (University Cisneriana) (Alcalá de Henares) (Алькала-де-Энарес)

Spain / Madrid / Alcala de Henares / Алькала-де-Энарес / Plaza San Diego
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If there is an architectural work that symbolizes the University of Alcalá de Henares (originally Cisneriana University in honor of its founder, Cardinal Cisneros), is undoubtedly the Renaissance facade of Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón. The author succeeds with this gem enshrine his name in the history of Spanish art, as one of the most representative monuments of plateresco. The whole can be seen as a veritable museum of outdoor sculpture. The facade of the University of Alcalá shows knowledge of the Renaissance man and reflects the importance they had for the archbishops of Toledo and art culture. True princes of the church, were surrounded by the best architects of the time as Juan de Alava, Luis Vega, Diego of Siloam and Alonso de Covarrubias. Hontañón achieved in this work give the original chime with a facade full of iconic items from the multiple readings that can be drawn about the thought of the Renaissance world: how, through the "gate" of the study, the knowledge, to reach God , while in the late Middle Ages could not differentiate between faith and knowledge. And is that the facade is a curtain with multiple meanings hermeneutic from which can decipher the knowledge of the era. The facade of the University is, in short, a synthesis of the Spanish Renaissance iconography, alongside one of the jewels of the Complutense heritage.
On the other hand, the Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso was the headquarters of the rector of the university Alcalá and the epicenter of the expansion. From the late thirteenth century a school was built in Alcalá since the mid-fifteenth of a Franciscan monastery. But everything was done if I thought of a real university. Pedro Toledo Gumiel architect drew the plan of the Colegio de San Ildefonso, Foundation Center, whose foundation stone laid by Cardinal Francisco Ximénez de Cisneros on March 14, 1498: Ten years were to elapse before the building was habitable Gumiel, and even then was nothing more than a modest provisional building of brick and masonry. Cisneros then anticipating the bull of Pope Alexander VI, Rodrigo Borgia in Spanish, Spanish for everything to be in this great work, "not be granted until April 13, 1499, which were confirmed and extended privileges Studies of Sancho IV, and the strong desire to see materialize his brilliant idea, given his advanced age, proceeded to lay the cornerstone of the Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso, mother nucleus of the University, a month earlier, ie , March 13, 1499. College begins construction in 1501, under the direction of Peter Gumiel, who had designed the grading work.
Although the construction of masonry was made by Juan Ballesteros between 1599 and 1601, emergency imposed by the Cardinal to Gumiel initially forced to use much less noble materials: wood, brick and plaster. That's the way it looked the College at its foundation, July 26, 1508, and there also comes the famous story that puts the jokes Cisneros supporting the King, and responding to it that "others will do it in marble and stone I build with mud. "
Originally, the facade was made between 1537 and 1553, under the command of Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón teacher. The building was begun in 1537, following constructive program for the first two decades of the century had led Gumiel. Preparations were fast, but the laying of the stone did not occur until 1542. Eleven years later he ended the work, which suffered a series of transformations over the construction process. The changes meant a further enrichment ornamental and acceptance of certain elements of a more classic. To cause the alterations are considered to sculptors who worked in construction, especially the French, quite numerous at times. Next to them played a prominent role Claudio de Arciniega, who carved from the upper windows, medallions tall pillars, in addition to the figures of Atlantis and Beefeaters. Rodrigo Gil facade composed of three modules, unequal in height. Flanking the front two Ionic columns and topped rectangular medallion showing the chasuble imposition of San Ildefonso, who is patron of the Archdiocese.
The interior has a nave and has not undergone major changes since the founding. Up the plant two juxtaposed elements, divided among themselves by arch. Also, it is covered by a beautiful Mudejar coffered ceiling. The walls are covered with plaster worked with a knife, and summarizing the decorative profusion, should make mention of that "Cisneriana style", which combine elements of plateresco, Mudejar and Gothic flowers.
Who admire these and other riches of the College, must take into account who was also Pedro Gumiel who, taking advantage of the space of an adjacent lot, directed the building of the university chapel, which was also dedicated to San Ildefonso.
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Coordinates:   40°28'56"N   3°21'46"W
This article was last modified 12 years ago