Legendary Albazin - Russian fortress, founded Khabarova | village, place with historical importance

Russia / Amur / Never /
 village, place with historical importance

Albazin (in Chinese - Yaksa) - Cossack page (old town and castle), the Amur region, on the left (Chinese) bank of the Amur river, to the outfall Albazahi (Emuri).
It was founded in 1651-89 years Yerofeyev Khabarova, destination mnogotysyacheverstnogo Siberian road, headed Albazin Voivodship and served as the center of a large agricultural area.

Albazin as Daurian settlement, there was a long time on the ground the village Daurian Knyazkov Albazy. In 1651 Khabarov taken from Albazin Daur, strengthened it and made a point for their poluhischnicheskih operations in the Amur.
Since 1684 Center province. In 1683, China's rulers, in an effort to oust the Russians from the Amur region, began military operations against them in the vicinity of rivers and Zei Sungari. In 1685 two thousand Chinese squad to share Albazin, the garrison of which, led by Voivod A. Tolbuzin after a short resistance surrendered on the condition of free entry. The Chinese have destroyed this stronghold of the Russian presence in the Amur, and then left the area. Then Tolbuzin on orders Nerchinsk Voivod Vlasov and his men returned to the place of the destroyed fortress and laid in its place a new one.
By the summer of 1686 Albazin was built, and in July the same year came to the fortress 5 thousandth the Chinese army with 40 guns. The number of defenders of the fortress is not greater than 1 thousand people. At this time the Russian defended staunchly and otbili all attacks. During one of them voivode Tolbuzin was mortally wounded by the kernel. However, the death of the commander had no confusion in the ranks of defenders of the fortress, and they continued to defend.
Meanwhile, in Beijing came the news of the imminent arrival of Nerchinsk Russian mission led by okolnichim FA Golovin. Upon learning of this, the Chinese emperor KANU ordered to cease active hostilities under Albazin. The very same castle siege continued, and Albazin garrison bravely withstood the severe winter rest.

In spring 1687 the Chinese, fearing approach FA Golovina from the army, lifted the siege Albazina, and in August finally left the area. The battle for Albazin was the culmination of Russian-Chinese border conflict (1683-1689). Under the terms of the contract Nerchinsk (1689) mission Golovina surrounded the Chinese army in Nerchinsk, ceded to China Albazin and part of the lands north of the Amur.
Currently, the village is located Albazin.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   53°23'10"N   124°5'9"E


  • Jaksa - gród stołeczny państewka istniejącego w latach 1665-1685 pod zarządem Nicefora Czernichowskiego. Więcej : Nienacki- Pozwolenie na przywóz lwa. Również pod adresem: http://bialczynski.wordpress.com/tag/albazin/
  • https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicefor_Czernichowski
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This article was last modified 5 years ago