
Russia / Nenets / Iskateley /
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Pustozyorsk - disappeared in the lower reaches of the city of Pechora, the ancient capital of the entire Pechora province, based on the order of Tsar Ivan in 1499 - the first Russian city beyond the Arctic circle and one of the main outposts of Russia in the development of Siberia and the North.

History of Pustozyorsk begins with 1499, when the Moscow army of more than 3 thousand people committed a hike in the lower reaches of Pechora and zarubilo "a town-fortress. Place for the town was selected not on the Pechora, a little aside - on the shore of the lake associated with the small Protocols Pechory ball. According to town and lake, and the ball became known Gorodetsky.
The lake has two more names: Helmsman and empty. Helmsman - is the abundance of fish, and empty, seemed to reflect the desert these places unsuitable for agriculture.

In those days the way to Siberia took place exclusively on the Pechora River and its tributaries, and Pustozyorsk in the XVI century, has become an important trade center, which was the exchange of goods with "samoyadyu.
Since 1586, he became more and administrative center of the whole province, including the Ust-Tzilma and Izhmu. However, because of its remoteness and harsh climatic conditions are mainly lived sluzhilye and commercial people, and people of the town, even during the heyday never been greater.
Thus, according to the 1574 in Pustozyorsk numbered 144 yard and over a thousand residents. Nevertheless, it was a full-fledged town with all its attributes: a fortress, military garrison Streltsov, built four churches, a monastery Compound Pinezhskogo Krasnogorskiy, customs, prisons (1670 description). Again, because of its remoteness Pustozersk was, moreover, a place of exile.
Here, 15 years, from 1667 to 1682, the earthen prison languished known preacher and jealous "drevlego piety" disgraced Protopopov Habakkuk with souznikami, here they were written by the famous "Life" and other works, here, for the great in the king's House Hula ", in April 1682 he was burned in the house, along with souznikami.

In XVII-XVIII centuries Pustozyorsk begins to gradually lose its significance. New, more convenient way to Siberia, one of them was opened in 1597 Babinovskaya road, linking land to preduralsky Solikamsk with zauralskim Verkhoturov. In addition, in the XVIII century Gorodetski ball begins to gradually prolong the sand, and the ships is becoming increasingly difficult for him to go through, even on big water.
In 1762 deals pustozerskaya fortress. In 1780 the city established Mezen and transferred there from Pustozyorsk provincial office and the military garrison. Since then, the town finally hireet and by the end of XIX century, in fact, is a small village. Nevertheless, he continues to be called the city and maintains the functions of parish center (in 1924 - the center of village council).
According to the January 1, 1928 in Pustozyorsk of 24 houses and 183 inhabitants. But in the 1928 Village Center is transferred to Oksino, and by 1950 in Pustozerske is only 12 yards, but in the late 50's the city was pusteet.
In 1962, Pustozyorsk from a neighboring village Ustye moved past the house. Thus disappeared from the face of the earth there is an important and significant trading port and administrative center.

Until now, in memory of him ring the bell in the wind lonely. Ringing it spread far uninhabited space. Where the history of the North, is now only protrude from the shoreline fragments of wooden log, the water eroded the ancient tomb, and rise the next time pochernevshie of crosses.
pustozersky.narod.ru / history.htm
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Coordinates:   67°32'12"N   52°34'47"E
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This article was last modified 13 years ago