PT SCHOTT Igar Glass (DKI Jakarta)

Indonesia / Jawa Barat / Bekasi / DKI Jakarta / Jalan Pulogadung, 35
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SCHOTT Igar Glass is the SCHOTT Group's Asian pharmaceutical packaging center. The Jakarta plant is the largest manufacturer of pharmaceutical packaging in Southeast Asia.
The production facility on the Pulogadung Industrial Estate in the Indonesian capital underwent complete renovation and modernisation in 1999 including installation of advanced machinery.
About half the company's production is exported, the balance in domestic sales making the company the major supplier to Indonesian pharmaceutical firms.
The solidly based SCHOTT Igar Glass operation is backed by the sound financial position of the SCHOTT Group and the Pharmaceutical Packaging Division's global organisation, ensuring a steady supply of consistently high quality.
Kota terdekat:
Koordinat:   6°11'48"S   106°55'5"E
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