Khamariya (Maujilal), Damoh

India / Madhya Pradesh / Damoh / Damoh- Jabalpur Road
 फोटो अपलोड करें

this is small village of arround 2200 population... This Village people were God Fearing and earlier economy was depended on Cottage Industry like Bidi Making and Agriculture but over the period due to influence of some bad social elements now its become fragmented society and heavy migration took place in form of both Blue and White color laborers(because Survival was on Stake for most of the families).
आसपास के शहर:
ध्रुवीय निर्देशांक:   23°39'4"N   79°33'33"E


  • Info should be unboised and contains the facts about Geography/Demography
  • There are many others left out while listing the so called Popular person of the village specially who have been awared by Presidential Award, Working Abroad, Contributed/exahusedted thier life in noble profession - Social Worker,Teachers,Doctors,Working as Head of PSU etc. they contributed to create people like you and us by sacrifying thier lifes. Few facts about society are also neglected -like Backwords & Poors have been Exploited by few SATTA/Land Mafia, Anti Social Elements and Wine Traders, Money Lenders, Fish Traders, Hardcore Criminals. It's a fact village is politically connected but allways NEGLECTED though there were allways few people of Principles and they were having Ethics and Values. The village is having lots of Stone statues which are lying abondond/neglected and some has been smuggled by THE CHANGE- This Village people were God Fearing and economy was earlier depended on Cottage Inddustry like Bidi Making and Agriculture but over the period due to influence of above bad social elements now its become fragmented society and heavy migration took place in form of both Blue and White color labourers(because There are many others left out while listing the so called Popular person of the village specially who have been awarded by Presidential Award, Working Abroad, Contributed / devoted their life in noble profession - Social Worker, Teachers, Doctors, Working as Head of PSU etc. Their contribution in creating the people like you and us can not be neglected. Few facts about society are also neglected -like Backwards & Poor have been exploited by few SATTA/Land Mafia, Anti Social Elements and Wine Traders, Money Lenders, Fish Traders, Hardcore Criminals. It's a fact village is politically connected but always NEGLECTED though there were always few people of Principles and they were having Ethics and Values. The village is having rich historical and archeological importance- many of Stone statues which are lying abandoned/neglected also few of them have been smuggled by Mafia’s. THE CHANGE- This Village people were God Fearing and earlier economy was depended on Cottage Industry like Bidi Making and Agriculture but over the period due to influence of above bad social elements now its become fragmented society and heavy migration took place in form of both Blue and White color laborers(because Survival was on Stake for most of the families). There is Big gap in Netizen and RESPOSNSIBLE Netizen so before entering to this Wonderful media we should first think and then write. If people are really well wisher of this Poor village then they should come forward with OPEN Mind and HEART to make it MODEL-Kahmariya. Simply writing the name over house/school/farm may not the serve the purpose. Hope some real Sons of Soil will join this Movement and take it forward.—All the BEST.
  • thank you very much........ i am really impressed with your theory.... can please show me your identity.
  • hamare bharat des me anek vibhutiyan village me hi hue hain
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इस लेख को अंतिम 13 साल पहले संशोधित किया गया था