NSO Satellite Groundstation Burum | military, antenna, intelligence agency

Netherlands / Friesland / Kollumerland /
 military, antenna, intelligence agency

According to some sources the station is connected to the ECHELON program.
The gathered information is shared with a number of allies, of which the US NSA (National Security Agency) is an important one.

At the time of the making of this image (as seen in March 2009), phase 1 is completed. The most northern large dish is called Burum-1, which will be demolished, as will be the most southern large dish, which is called Burum-3. Burum-1 and -3 will be replaced by two 18 meter dishes.

From north to south are the new positions in four rows (one: 1 to 3; two: 4 to 6; three: 7 to 9; four: 13, 10 to 12). Position 13 is considered as spare.
Phase 1 comprises the building of dishes nr. 7 to 9 and 10 to 12. All dishes of phase 1 are connected to Inmarsat. Positions 1 to 6 are connected to Intelsat.
On the southern part, two small mobile platforms were being constructed, between these four small DVB-dishes. To the east of Burum-3, a small building of 20x40 meter was constructed on behalf of the NSO (not yet on this picture). On top of this building are another seven DVB-dishes.

Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   53°16'59"N   6°12'48"E


  • This is NOT an NSA site, It's an NSO site Same programs diff county, probaly saring raw data with NSA, this how ever is not confirmed. IT is NOT run by the US.
This article was last modified 11 years ago