Pieklo punkt widokowy (the Hell viewpoint) (Tomice) | interesting place

Poland / Malopolskie / Wadowice / Tomice
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punkt widokowy w okolicy Wadowice (przysiołek Piekło) z widokiem na Beskid Mały (Leskowiec, Gron Jana Pawla II) oraz dolinę rzeki Skawa i Tatry (przy dobrej widocznosci)
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Coordinates:   49°53'58"N   19°27'18"E


  • view-point near Wadowice (settlment "the Hell") with view of the Small Beskid (peaks: Leskowiec, Peak of John Paul II) and the Skawa river valley and Tatry Mountans (at times of good visibility).
This article was last modified 17 years ago