Boguchanskaya Hydro Power station

Russia / Krasnojarsk / Kodinsk /
 hydroelectric power station, 2014_construction

The construction of hydroelectric power station began in 1980, preparatory work began in 1974. The planned commissioning of the year starting complex - 2009, the end of construction - 2012.
concrete gravity dam height of 79 m and a length of 776 meters;
The approved draft of 1979 GES shall have power 3000 MW, the average developing a 17.6 billion kW ∙ h
At the present time to deal with RAO UES of Russia completion of hydroelectric power station is scheduled to conclude with reduced NEC 185 m. At the same installed capacity of 1620 MW (9 x 180) and srednemnogoletnyaya power about 13 000 million kWh in average water year.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   58°42'1"N   99°9'3"E


  • Уважаемые товарищи, кто информирован о будущем (конечном) контуре Богучанского водохранилища - можете нанести его на карту? Странно, что снимки именно в этом месте не обновлялись уже несколько лет, хотелось бы "воочию" увидеть будущее, а то и текущее положение дел.
This article was last modified 8 years ago