Al - Danigila village

Sudan / an-Nil-al-Abyadh / Umm Jarr /
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The village of Al-Daniqila Wad Dahi is located east of the White Nile in the White Nile State of the Republic of Sudan, about 10 kilometers south of the city of Al-Duwaim, and about 20 kilometers north of the city of Likwa. Its founder is Abdul Rahim Dahi and his tribe, Jaafari. It contains several tribes other than the Jaafari. It is a model village and its people practice trade, agriculture, and fishing. It was founded in 1900.
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Coordinates:   13°52'54"N   32°22'43"E


  • حلتنــــــا والزمن الجميـــــــــــل دكان بهــاءالدين وركن جدي الخليـــــل البلي والتيوه والضمنه والطرب بالليل سافرنا وهاجرناومالقيناليهامثيـــــل لافي شرطة لاجوازات لاهات إقامتك لاكفيــل متين نرجع ليك تاني وتعودأمجادناالقبيل حلتنـــــــا والزمن الجميــــــــــل
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