Ivy Top Resorts (श्रीनगर​​​​​​​​) | होटल, रेस्तरां / जलपान गृह / भोजनालय, रिसॉर्ट

India / Uttaranchal / Srinagar / श्रीनगर​​​​​​​​
 होटल, रेस्तरां / जलपान गृह / भोजनालय, रिसॉर्ट

IvyTop Resort, Srinagar Garhwal, (Uttarakhand) India; Phones: +919811431604; +91-01346-252397; ivytop.googlepages.com

The premises unfold an incredible panorama: silent and blissful peace of the Himalayan mountains, snow peaks and a 12km view of the Ganges river meandering artistically through the splendid open valley and township.

The resort is located on a hill top from where one can view a 360 degree view of the nature beauty , Srinagar city , Churas , Srikot, & about 10 Km. stretch of the famous river Alaknanda.
आसपास के शहर:
ध्रुवीय निर्देशांक:   30°13'1"N   78°47'45"E
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इस लेख को अंतिम 15 साल पहले संशोधित किया गया था