“Triada” theatre (Khabarovsk)

Russia / Habarovsk / Vostochnoye, Vostochnyy / Khabarovsk / ulitsa Lenina

Theatrical place of interest of Khabarovsk. Is the only in the Far East of Russia professional theatre of pantomime.
The history of the theatre started back in 1975 fr om the amateur studio organized by the graduate of the Institute of Culture, Vadim Gogolkov. On the way of the studio stir of the end of 80’s it was modified in the studio-theatre. But in 1993 it got a status of the municipal theatre.
Theatre’s repertoire is absolutely unique, there are performances of many different genres, such as plastic drama, classic pantomime and clownade, nowadays V. Gogolkov trying harder to get in to the drama theatre as well. Today in the “Triada” theatre’s repertoire there are about twenty performances. Among them there are: “Old man and the sea” – plastic drama after the story by E. Hemingway, “The land of blind” – plastic drama after the story by H. Wells, “Passion” after the story “The Queen of Spades” by A. Pushkin, “Seagull” by A. Chekhov, “Night flight” after the works by A. de Saint-Exupery, clown-mim-show “O! Oops-show!”, “Dvoryugi”, meteo-show “Snowman’s period”, mystical drama “Portrait”.
The theatre’s name also wasn’t chosen spontaneously. Triada (triplicity) – is the unity of three persons, items, ideas.
The place is located in ulitsa Lenina, 27
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Coordinates:   48°28'16"N   135°4'25"E
This article was last modified 6 years ago