RT 004 RW 16 Bojonggede, Bogor 16320 ( Blok G4, G5, G6, G8, G9, 'n G10) - emirtef. (Bojonggede)

Indonesia / Jawa Barat / Citeureup / Bojonggede
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English: This is site of RT Riska's Dad - RT bapaknya Riska (Pak Gandi), who live in Blok G-4; Emir, Kemat, Taufiq, Yusni, Darto, Darwis, Sigit, Tatang, Bashor, Anton, Acep, Narto, Rudy, Ahmad Hidayat and Others Family live here.
Kota terdekat:
Koordinat:   6°29'28"S   106°48'18"E
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