Tilla Joggiyan (Koh-e-Balnath)

Pakistan / Punjab / Jhelum / District Jhelum
 place with historical importance, hilltop, interesting place, historical building, place of worship

Mountaineous Range (Koh-e-Baal Naath Jogi)
Tilla Jogian range is famous for tilla jogian, which was famous for centre of nath jogis. Tilla Jogian is the highest peak in the Eastern Salt Range in Punjab, Pakistan. At 975 meters (3200 ft) above sea level, it is about 25 km to the west of Jhelum city and 10 km west of the model village of Khukha. The view from the top of Tilla is highly rewarding. Rohtas, Pakistan Fort is located to the east of Tilla Jogian at a distance of about 7 km from Dina, a rapidly expanding town on the Grand Trunk Road.

Tilla Jogian can be seen from districts of Mandi Bahauddin, Gujrat, Jhelum and Chakwal. It is situated on a commanding place near the Jhelum River. From its height of 3200 feet, you can see a panorama unparalleled in Pakistan..

Hindu Mandir at Tilla Jogian

For thousand of years it was a place of sun worship for the Hindus because the sun can be seen here earlier and sets here later due to its height. It became a place of worship for Hindus. Tilla Jogian in Punjabi means the Hill of Saints.

Tradition holds that Tilla Jogian was founded 100 B.C. Tilla Jogian literally means Hill of the Yogis and lies about 50 kilometres North of Bhera. This is where the Kanphata Jogis, who pierced their earlobes and were an order founded by Guru Gorakhnath have left behind a monastery.

Tilla Jogian also finds mention in the epic love poem Heer Ranjha of Waris Shah. Ranjha, the story's protagonist, who when spending his time on the rebound, sublimating his love & passion in the spiritual world, came here for consolation and got his ears ringed here as was the tradition of Guru Goraknath's followers.

For the Sikh Punjabis there is also another significance to Tilla Jogian as Guru Nanak Dev ji, the founder of Sikhism is said to have spent 40 days in quiet seclusion at Tilla Jogian. The Sikhs during the rule of Maharaja Ranjit Singh made a stone pond here in his memory.

The Mughal Emperor Jahangir visited this place many times. The British made a road and a pond here for water. Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif visited Tilla Jogian and did some protective work for the safety of its pristine beauty.

Tilla Jogian comprises a complex of Hindu mandirs housing at least three baths and a network of waterworks with at least two minor dams. There are number of ways to reach at the top: One from Rohtas Fort side and the other from Sanghoi / the Jhelum River side.and third one is from Dina / Domaily to a village Bhait in the feet of Tilla ( Suitable for Motorcars)
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   32°52'42"N   73°27'47"E


  • Paian mundran te kan le chir Heere ni RANJHA jogi ho ghia......
  • اسلام عليکم۔ رانجھا بيچارہ تـو تحقيق کرنے آيا تھا کہ، کياآ يّندہ آزاد ھـونے والا ملک پاکستان اس علاقے ميں مزايّل ٹيسٹ کر سکتا ھے يا نہيں،عشق کا الزام تو پاک آرمی نے لگايا ھے جـو سچ نہيں لگتا۔۔۔۔محبـوب حسين ۔۔نيـويارک
  • i used to hike to this mountain top when I was a boy (1962-1968) for boy scout trips; we would meditate in the facility built for Guru Nanak. I lived in Baral Colony near Mangla at the time
  • This is my home village name Dhok AWAN.Near tilla mountain,jehlum,pakistan.This is morning vew. alvimalik at hotmail dot com.
  • Nice place to see.
  • I am belong to this area.It is a great place for picnik.I am belong to Village Nagia.I use to hike this mountain during my child hood.I have hiked this 2 time in my life.the blood of ranjha(great) is there.SO VISIT THIS beautiful and Lover site.for about any information contact on my mail address.my mail address is (Imransf9@gmail.com)and imransf9@hot mail.copm
  • This seems silly to mention the Model Village Khukha in this article. It has no link with this place. Secondly, how this village become "Model Village".??????
  • नाथ सम्‍प्रदाय के मठों में से है यह जोगियों का टीला। मेरे पास मौजूद दस्‍तावेज बताते हैं कि कनफड़ा साधुओं और संतों की यह शाखा कई प्रमुख संदर्भ में महत्‍वपूर्ण है। मसलन, इस गुट में मुस्लिम साधुओं की मौजूदगी, जिसकी प्रचुरता है। यह सच है कि किंवदंतियों के अनुसार गुरू गोरक्षनाथ की सर्वोच्‍च पीठ भारत के उत्‍तर प्रदेश राज्‍य के बिहार राज्‍य से सटे गोरखपुर में स्थित है। यह पीठ फिलहाल हिन्‍दीभाषी क्षेत्रों के हिन्‍दुओं की सम्‍मानीय है। यह भी सच है कि इस पीठ पर फिलहाल क्षत्रिय यानी ठाकुर लोगों का प्रभुत्‍व है। लेकिन यह भी सच ही है कि जोगियों का टीला पीठ और वहां मौजूद मुस्लिम अनुयाइयों के चलते गोरखनाथ संप्रदाय पर केवल क्षत्रियों का ही बलबोला है। इस तरह इस पूरे भारतीय उपमहाद्वीव में यह साम्‍प्रदायिक सद्भाव का आदर्श स्‍थान है। मैंने इन मसलों पर काफी दिखा है। कभी आपको इसकी आवश्‍यकता पड़े तो मैं सेवा के लिए तत्‍पर हूं। कुमार सौवीर, लखनऊ। फोन:- 09415302520--- kamarsauvir@yahoo.com, kumarsauvir@gmail.com
  • My mother belongs to a place nearby called Bhond near chakwal. Bhera Miani and Katas Raj also are the places she racalled very fondly as the places where her relatives stayed. All this before they migrated to India before partition. she recalls absolute communal harmony and good law and order in those times.Good old times.
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This article was last modified 7 years ago