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Indonesia / Jawa Tengah / Kartosura / Surakarta (Solo) / Pabelan
 pesantren (islamic boarding school)  Add category

The Modern Boarding School of Islam (PPMI) Assalaam is a private Islamic educational institution established by the Foundation of Islamic Recital Surakarta (MPI), on 7 of August 1982 in accordance with the 15 Syawal 1402 of Islamic Calendar. At present, PPMI Assalaam is located in Pabelan and Gonilan villages, Kartasura sub-districts, Sukoharjo regency on 10,223 ha, of which 5,6 ha is a land of waqaf (bestowed for religous activities). Before officially becoming a boarding school of Islam, it was a majlis ta’lim (Islamic recital forum) located at Jl. Yosodipuro no 56 Punggawan Surakarta, on a 2,845 m2 of waqaf land provided by the late of Mr. H. Abdullah Marzuki and his wife Mrs. Hj. Siti Aminah, The owner of PT. Tiga Serangkai publishing company Solo. The activities that were formerly provided for the sake of improving the understanding and implementing the teachings of Islam for the employees of PT. Tiga Serangkai and the family of the late Mr. H. Abdullah Marzuki, in fact it had become an inspiration to establish a Islamic boarding school with the wider state of activities and targets. The first step to realize the dream was by establishing a Madrasah Diniyah Awaliyah (MDA) / an Islamic primary school conducted in the afternoon. In 1982, Madrasah Tsanawiyah / Islamic Junior High School with the system of dormitory was officially established.

That day was officially declared as the moment of the establishment of the boarding school, named PPMI Punggawan, named after the name of the location where it was located, namely Punggawan Surakarta. The name of Assalaam was officially used on 20 July of 1985 as one of the historical day of the boarding school when it moved from the previous campus to the new one in Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta, occupies a land and building of waqaf provided by the Late of H. Abdullah Marzuki and Hj. Siti Aminah. At the same time it found a Madrasah Aliyah (MA) / Islamic Senior High School and Takhashusiyah / Specific Class Program. In 1989/1990 it established General Senior High School. In 2005/2006 PPMI Assalaam opened a Vocational High School majoring in Information Technology. Up to this present the alumni of Assalaam has spread out in many acknowledged universities both domestic and overseas, many of them have got their degrees and set their roles in various fields in community.

At the age of 29 in 2011, PPMI Assalaam has produced thousands of alumni are spread all over Indonesia and various countries in the world. The alumni Assalaam is collected in an organization called IKMAS (Association of Families Ma'had Assalaam Surakarta) and has been active in various fields in the life of society and the state
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Coordinates:   7°33'11"S   110°46'13"E


  • Ifoel Kaos Penggemar
    i am event alumni of assalam, but ever taught by almukarom rosidi asrofi LC, pray for him
This article was last modified 8 years ago