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Russia / Chukotka / Aliskerovo /

Urban villages in the area of Anadyr Chukotka National District of the Magadan Region of Russia. Located in the middle of the river Anadyr, at 326 km above the city of Anadyr. Reindeer herding sovkhoz. Stronghold Zonal Research Institute of Agriculture.

Markovo - a place of compact residence Chuvans, small Yukagir ethnic origin (self - etel, etal, (Chukotka - «Yukagirs»)). Language, presumably close to Yukagir, lost. They say to "Branching" dialect of Russian language (sedentary Chuvans).

As Russian sources Chuvans refers to the mid 17 th century as one of the Yukagir birth. Were resettled in the vicinity of Cape Shelagskogo in the basin of the lower and middle reaches the river Palawan, in the upper river Amguema, Chaun, Big and Small Anuy. Engaged in nomadic reindeer herding, hunting wild deer and fishing. Even before the arrival of the Russians were engaged in brokering activities in trade exchange with the Chukchi people of Okhotsk coast. Divided into patrilineal generations, led by "knyaztsami" or "toyonami. We lived in portable chumah tapered and conical housing with a frame of poles, covered with bark and grass. With treatment in 17-18 centuries Chuvans Christianity in the process of rapprochement with the Russians increased. By the early 18 th century Chuvans has about 520 people, mixed with hodyntsami. Their total number in 1750 - 600 people. In 1740, 50 years chuvanskie and Yukagir camps were subjected to raids Chukchis. During this period, a large group of Chuvans moved to Anadyr fortress, with its abolition in 1770 - in Gizhigu. Gizhiginskie Chuvans experienced cultural and linguistic influence Koryaks. With the end in the late 18 th century military confrontations between the Chukchi and Russian groups Chuvans again began to move to Anadyr. By the early 19 century, formed the two ethnic groups Chuvans: sedentary Chuvans (markovtsy, anadyrtsy) settled in the vicinity of villages and small Markovo Zaimka on the river Anadyr, largely obrusevshie, and the nomadic, reindeer Chuvans settled on the upper Anadyr, similar to the culture reindeer Chukchi and Koryak. In the late 19 th century Chuvans was one of five "communities" Anadyr region. Talked to "Branching" dialect, calling themselves markovtsami, anadyrtsami, anadyrschikami. According to 1897 census, was 275 Russian and 177 "wandering" Chuvans of them in the Anadyr district Primorskaya area - 262 Chuvans sedentary and nomadic 144, in Gizhiginskoy District - 15 people in the Kolyma region of Yakutia - 32 people. According to the census 1926-27, Chuvans numbered 707, of whom 55% were sedentary. In 1920 markovtsev became known kamchadalami "and ethnonym" Chuvans "applies only to the nomadic Chuvans. Until 1989 Chuvans censuses were not taken into account, they are to the Russian and Chukchi. Nomadic and sedentary groups in the largely mixed with each other and with neighboring nations. Despite this, Chuvans maintained stable self-esteem.

In the 19 th century to the settled Chuvans-markovtsev characterized Yukagir type of management, which included fishing, hunting of wild deer on the ferries, driving breeding dogs. Lived in common with the Russians and Yukagirs old villages in the Log homes, usually with a flat roof without a ceiling, ground floor and chuvalom (center of the poles and coated with clay). Some farms have a bath. In June, pending the progress of the red fish (keta, pink salmon) family perekochevyvali to Letnik near Fish toney. Salted fish, kvass in pits, harvested yukolu. Autumn hunted wild deer in the water. On the hunt went on dolblenyh boats, kayaking, hunting with the "pokolyug" - special rush. Also engaged in fur hunting.
Eat mainly fish and reindeer meat with relish of the root - food gathering. On holidays, baked bread, pies. Of the beverages produced Braga, large quantities of drinking tea. Food Travelers Chuvans consisted mainly of deer meat. As an exciting and heady tools Chuvans, like the Chukchi and Koryak, used the fly agaric.
The spiritual culture and social relations settled Chuvans experienced significant Russian influence. There were church holidays, the homes there were icons and church books. Weddings deal on the Russian tradition. The dead buried on the Orthodox rules, but the man put in the coffin of tobacco, a woman - a weapon for needlework. Both the sedentary and nomadic Chuvans have been widely used hunting folklore, where the combined real and fantastic stories. A modern markovtsev preserved ancient Russian Bylina, songs and tales. Borrowing from the Russians is a dramatic play "boat", taken from Chuvans Kamchatkan Cossacks in the 19 century and prevail, until recently, in the village Markovo.
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Coordinates:   64°40'46"N   170°25'5"E
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This article was last modified 16 years ago