Niveskoye military air base

Russia / Kaliningrad / Yuzhnyy /
 abandoned / shut down, former air force base

During the Cold War, the base was home to 689 Gv IAP (689th Guards Interceptor Aviation Regiment) flying MiG-23 (Flogger) in the 1980s and 36 Su-27P (Flanker) by the 1990s. It was also home to 288 OVP (288th Independent Helicopter Regiment) flying Mi-24K and R models (Hind) and Mi-8 (Hip).
The 689 Gv IAP and 288 OVP units moved to Chkalovsk during August 2002. Since then, the base is in a state of decay.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   54°33'44"N   20°35'53"E


  • Часто прилетали польские "эскадрильи друзей" на десятиместном АН-2. Привозили польские шмотки, косметику. Все барахло распродавали тут-же в офицерской столовой. Увозили русские утюги, телевизоры, водку, сигареты.
  • Ed.: The Russian text has been moved to the Russian language page. The comment by Aleksandr remains.
This article was last modified 16 years ago