Repin House-Museum Penaty (Saint Petersburg)

Russia / Sankt Petersburg / Repino / Saint Petersburg / Primorskoye shosse
 museum, park, estate (manor / mansion land), UNESCO World Heritage Site, listed building / architectural heritage

Repin designed his home Penaty (literally, "the Penates") or the Roman "Household Gods", located just to the north of Saint Petersburg in Kuokkala, Grand Duchy of Finland. After the 1917 October Revolution, Finland declared independence. He was invited by various Soviet institutions to return to Russia but refused, saying that he was too old to make the journey. During this period, Repin devoted much time to painting religious subjects, though his treatment of these was usually innovative and not traditional. With the exception of a portrait of Provisional Government head, Alexander Kerensky, he never painted anything substantial on the subject of the 1917 revolutions or the Soviet experiment that followed. His last painting, a joyous and exuberant canvas called The Hopak, was on a Ukrainian Cossack theme.

In 1930, he died in Kuokkala, Finland. After the Continuation War, Finland ceded Kuokkala to the Soviet Union, which renamed it Repino (Leningrad Oblast). Penaty is part of the World Heritage Site Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments.[3] In 1940, Penaty was opened for the public as a house museum.
Repin House-Museum Penaty is one of the cultural sites of the UNESCO World Heritage since 1990 - number 540-026 .
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Coordinates:   60°9'22"N   29°53'50"E
This article was last modified 12 years ago