Delimajaya Carrosserie (Kota Bogor)

Indonesia / Jawa Barat / Sukaraja / Kota Bogor / Jl. KH. Sholeh Iskandar, 5
 production, auto body shop/repair, automobile factory
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Delimajaya is the leader of Auto-Body Manufacturing Company in Indonesia. Our Company is exclusively involved in production of buses, firetrucks and any other special vehicles. Our varied products range include:
- Buses and Coaches (luxury bus)
- Military Vehicles
- Ambulances
- Fire Fighting Trucks
- Specialized Vehicles
- Metal Works
- Component Fabrications
Customer Satisfactions and High Quality Products are our guarantee.

PT. Delimajaya Carrosserie Industry

Head Office and Factory:
Jl. KH. Soleh Iskandar No.5
Bogor, Indonesia 16111
Phone : +62 251 8 654 300 ( Hunting)
8 654 406, 8 654 407, 8 660 292, 8 660 804
Fax : +62 251 8 660 273
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   6°33'42"S   106°48'34"E
This article was last modified 5 years ago