Bumi Cibinong Endah (Sukahati)

Indonesia / Jawa Barat / Citeureup / Sukahati
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Bumi Cibinong Endah adalah terletak di Sukahati. Bumi Cibinong Endah - Sukahati pada peta
Kota terdekat:
Koordinat:   6°28'38"S   106°49'0"E


  • why does "Bumi Cibinong Endah" should be expose on internet ?, it's so funny 8x thing. But it's OK. This is the place where i always start my day, live here for about 15 years. Cozy place, still full of bamboo trees, long river (not clean enough.. the colour is chocolate, ha..ha). The people are all friendly, nice to talk with. Enjoy when the morning comes..
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