
India / Rajasthan / Gangapur /

Village name: Piloda
Taluk: Gangapur
District: Sawai Madhopur
State: Rajasthan
About Piloda

Piloda is a Village in Gangapur City Tehsil in Sawai Madhopur District of Rajasthan State, India. It belongs to Bharatpur Division . It is located 92 KM towards North from District head quarters Sawai Madhopur. 18 KM from Gangapur City. 125 KM from State capital Jaipur

Piloda Pin code is 322205 and postal head office is Piloda .

Baglai ( 5 KM ) , Mahanandpur Dyodha ( 5 KM ) , Shiwala ( 6 KM ) , Khandeep ( 9 KM ) , Baroli ( 9 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Piloda. Piloda is surrounded by Nadauti Tehsil towards North , Karauli Tehsil towards East , Hindaun Tehsil towards East , Bamanwas Tehsil towards west .

Todabhim , Mahwa , Lalsot , Bandikui are the nearby Cities to Piloda.

Demographics of Piloda

Hindi is the Local Language here.

By Rail

Pilioda Rail Way Station , Chhoti Odai Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Piloda. How ever Alwar Rail Way Station is major railway station 122 KM near to Piloda
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   26°35'47"N   76°49'54"E


  • Hi friends! you must visit my beatiful village piloda, which is full of traditional culture, great bonding of brotherhood and co-opration amongs the villagers.Many children like me are studying in various part of country to make our village more proud and carrying a great legacy further of our ancestors who are giving service to GOV of India in many fields. We will try to achieve more sucess in other fileds of MNCs. You might have read about piloda village from the comments posted by others studying or servicing at other places of India. Although, there was educational backwardness earlier but now this is thing of past. Even though most of dwellers are dependent on agriculture and they wer illetrate, however with there great vision they inculcate good sanskar to children for having healthy competition to achieve the Goal of life and become selfdependant.
  • bhomiya baba narshig mandir
  • dr.meena is a very popular doctor he is a verry kind of all living thing he is avel to science he is not a killer he is a docter heis load of all peatient allpeatient does not go to other doctor they are went to dr.meena
  • ugly piloda people
  • its a beautiful place i am sorry at these uppear side words pleace remove these words thanks
  • Hi friends i am very lucky that i am born in this village bcoz it is very beautiful and having a great culture.
  • Piloda ek bhut beautiful village h nd yadi apko kabhi ghumne ka man kare to piloda jarur aaiyega.D.k-9694569493
  • गाँव- पीलोदा is good from anup meena mo- 7067929425
  • 695269
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This article was last modified 9 years ago