La Désirade | île

Guadeloupe / La Desirade /
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La Désirade est une île Guadeloupéenne.
Villes proches:
Coordonnées :   16°19'11"N   61°3'1"W


  • One can easily learn how to gouge and rabbet wood, creating there bevels and chamfers,being in La Désirade. There is soldiery here which is very skimpy and stingy; they scant and stint everything, skimp in everything, are chary of everything. There is a normalcy here when the majority of girls are tomboys and hoydens. Even local aunties say they like swiping things, swilling liquor and thus coalescing a sense of secessionism of La Désirade from Guadeloupe. Local aunties are quite coy to touch tree boles in the crepuscular time when everything is so umbrageous. Agues occur often here because there is no brass enough for vaccination. Teetotalers with their teetotalism are quite a rarity here, but there is a mighty concurrence of grigs. Also La Désirade's residents know quite well how to stanch bleeding when their comedones break open.
  •  624 km
  •  635 km
  •  654 km
  •  654 km
  •  658 km
  •  902 km
  •  914 km
  •  914 km
  •  1493 km
  •  2071 km
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