Fort Monckton

United Kingdom / England / Gosport /
 fortification, training centre, 18th century construction

MI6 Training Centre at Gosport.
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Coordinates:   50°46'37"N   1°7'58"W


  • Not sure whether SIS would appreciate your description. I think they prefer anonymity.
  • OK so what do you do there? "It's just a Barracks and Mess" So why the infra red cameras, double curtain steel gates and armed patrols? "Standard procedure." How come every pizza I ever delivered to the gate was for a Mr Smith? "Go away" Exactly what is an 'Intelligence Officers Foundation Course'? "Go away right now"
  • hahaha, nice! thought it was supposed to be something like IONEC. they've certainly spent a few quid on this place, every time new satellite photos come out there's new building work going on. and if it's so bloody hush-hush why isn't it blanked out on the maps? hardly a state secret, is it?!
  • Thats very true indeed ive heard that they do this course to train them up. You should google it and do some digging you will find out a lot!
  • i know what you're doing you crazy bastards
  • Oh my God, MI6 have a...(brace yourselves for the shock)......Training Centre!!!! AAAARGGGHH!!! Someone, tell Leslie Nielsen, call in Anne Robinson, or Tony Robinson or the man with the wet rhubarb or somebody! This must be where they (you know - THEM) keep the secret mind reading machines that record your thoughts every time you use a mobile phone!!! Wow this is a revelation of epic proportions. Does the UN know? And they eat pizzas! Will the public be able to stand the incredulity. Has anybody told Esther Rantzen? Perhaps we should tell Sarah Kennedy? Don't forget David Icke lives just across the Solent in Ryde and he says they're all aliens. (He'll be allright though - he wears a turquoise shell suit to protect himself from their (you know - THEM) mind rays.) Hang on - there's a secret message there. Can you see it - turquoise shell suit - Turktown. It's a code!!! Oh nooooooooo...........!!!!!!!!!! Actually Tony Robinson and Time Team were just next door the other week. They said they were just digging up bodies, but we know better now don't we!
  • With due respect to Mr Nerd's observations in the previous comment I can categorically deny that any clandestine component exists in any of the operations we at "The Fort" carry out. We are in fact a government body involved in the experimentation and development of foodstuffs for Britain's Armed Forces (BAF). For the last thirty years we have been deeply involved in the development of a butterscotch fudge for issue to armed forces in the field. We are very proud of our new development which we have codenamed "fighting fudge" or FFFFF. (We realise that that is a lot of Fs but it is standard NATO description for "Fudge, Fighting, Field Forces For".) We are currently involved in improvements to FFFFF to lower its flash point and compression ignition point and are confident that we shall see this wonderful new product available in UK shops (excluding N. Ireland) in the near future. Our product development engineer, Mr Smith and our chief research chemist, Mr Smith, have told me that the first production batch of “Product F”, as we call it, will be available for dissemination sometime in the near future. Mr Smith, our legal services chief has negotiated the last hurdle in “Product F”’s marketplace release following his extensive talks with the Health & Safety Executive and Mr Smith our newly employed Sales Manager is already making forays into the buying offices of major supermarket chains. We intend to market this wonderful new product under the brand “Smith’s Fighting Fudge” in memory of the product’s inventor Mr Smith who so sadly lost his life in an ingredient mixing detonation accident.
  • Having spent many hours freezing various parts of my bits off attacking the "facility" I can assure you all that i wouldnt be fooled by Dads army on the security gates (layer 1 of many) and if any of you fancy having a crack at the "facility" then let me know when and I will be there laughing whats left of my bollocks off. perhaps if you conspiracy types fancy yourselves then you could give me a call
  • I don't know what all the fuss was about. I delivered 10 pizzas there at the weekend. I was stopped at the main gate, but after that I was directed to one of the buildings labelled # 11. They even gave me a nice cash tip!!
  • I Had ago investigating the base recently and accidentally ventured into government property, 15 seconds later a truck pulled up with a security guard who didn't wear MoD Uniform. He wasn't armed and seemed quite friendly, but he soon saw us out of their site.
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This article was last modified 6 years ago