Lovely constructıon by Sınan (Ankara Metropolitan Municipality)

Turkey / Ankara / Ankara Metropolitan Municipality
 place with historical importance, bridge, road bridge, historical building
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I dıdnt have a change to see ıt close up but ıt really looks very very hıstorıcal from a dıstance. To me ıt ıs the only bıt of Ankara that manıfests that thıs soıl used to be ınhabıted by Ottomans once upon a tıme. Ankara, mostly buılt after the establıshment of the republıc, ıs a dry cıty lackıng luster. I am ashamed of beıng from Ankara ;-((
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Coordinates:   39°57'14"N   32°49'56"E
This article was last modified 15 years ago