Bahr Yusef Canal (Waterway of Joseph or Yusuf (pbuh))

Egypt / al-Fayyum / El Faiyum /
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The great canal linking the main branch of the River Nile to provide water permanently to the Lake Qarun, to avert famines.

The Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) pbuh, reportedly commissioned this work of great significance, and averted many great famines, and inevitable destruction.
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Coordinates:   29°13'52"N   30°55'8"E


  • This canal follows the Nile from "Asyut" (at the 15th Nome) and runs parallel to the great river’s western bank, ending at Lake Qarun (the ancient lake Moeris), for the purpose of developing an artificial oasis at Faiyum - under the orders of Pharaoh Senusret II - to settle the family of Israel in the "Land of Goshen". Pharaoh Snusret II gave Joseph a title (“Genesis” 45- -8) “A father to Pharaoh”. It was no other then Joseph, the beloved ruler of ancient Egypt, who executed the digging of this canal, now called Bahr Yusef Canal. Jacob Israel at the age of 130 (“Genesis” 47- -9) came into Egypt at Year 6 of Snusret II: As fulfillment of a prophecy (“Genesis” 15- -13) to settle Israel in Egypt. It was (Senusret II) “Pharaoh Khakheperre” of Dynasty XII who ordered to settle Israel in the "Land of Goshen" (at Faiyum). An Eternal historical documentation appears in the drawn message (documented by Joseph) on the north wall of the tomb of Count Khnumhotep II at Beni-Hasan, as a “Point in Time” -- “In the year 6 of Pharaoh Khakheperre”...(1927- B.C.)
  • Using the Old Testament as a literal historical reference is shaky scholarship, at best, silliness at worst. The Old Testament is a collection of folk tales and tribal traditions gathered together during the reign of king Josiah of Jerusalem, collected in order to unify the yahweh-worshiping people of the levant around the temple culture that had risen to prominence after the Babylonian defeat of the kingdom of Judah. To set up this collection of disparate tales as "history" is absurd.
  • necco - yeah i should just believe you. where were you when it happened? oh yeah thats right YOU DIDNT EXIST YET.
  • necco, you obviously have not read "On the Reliability of the Old Testament" by Kenneth A Kitchen, 2003, (published by Eerdmans,, isbn 0-8028-4960-1. Kenneth Kitchen is Professor Emeritus of Egyptology and Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Archaeology, Classics, and Oriental Studies, University of Liverpool. From the inside cover of the book:- "For more than two hundred years controversy has raged over the reliability of the Old Testament. Questions about the factuality of its colorful stories of heroes, villains, and kings, for example, have led many critics to see the entire Hebrew Bible as little more than pious fiction. In this fascinating book, noted ancient historian K. A. Kitchen takes strong issue with today’s “revisionist” critics and offers a firm foundation for the historicity of the biblical texts. In a detailed, comprehensive, and entertaining manner, Kitchen draws on an unprecedented range of historical data from the ancient Near East — the Bible’s own world — and uses it to soundly reassess both the biblical record and the critics who condemn it. Working back from the latest periods (for which hard evidence is readily available) to the remotest times, Kitchen systematically shows up the many failures of favored arguments against the Bible and marshals pertinent permanent evidence from antiquity’s inscriptions and artifacts to demonstrate the basic honesty of the Old Testament writers. Enhanced with numerous tables, figures, and maps, On the Reliability of the Old Testament is a must-read for anyone interested in the question of biblical truth." Sadly, Professor Kitchen believes the Exodus happened around the time of Rameses II (about 1250bc) rather than the more Biblical 1450bc. But to his credit, he shows that necco's view point, which is so popular today, is both hopelessly unscholarly and inaccurate. A better book for Biblical faithfulness is "Kingdom of Priests - a History of Old Testament Israel" by Dr Eugene Merrill, which has the added benefit of being easier to read.
  • j'ai l'une des familles des hommes du renseignement militaire, qui opère à partir de l'Égypte et les raisons de salem elkotamy De ne pas expulser l'ambassadeur d'Israël en Égypte Et pas de rappeler l'ambassadeur égyptien à Tel-Aviv, au Caire pour des consultations Et de ne pas ouvrir le passage de Rafah pour l'échelle de nos frères palestiniens dans la bande de Gaza pour subvenir à leurs besoins tout le temps! Ils sont comme suit: Le portrait du Mossad, Gamal Moubarak, au cours de la pratique de l'homosexualité, à Londres plus d'une fois, ce qui explique le retard du mariage qu'après la session, et quand il s'est marié sous la pression familiale de choisir une lesbienne n'est pas pour lui demander de vivre avec son Zojia! Le Mossad a été le tournage de Susan lors de sa visite à Paris, avec le péché est l'un des gardes, à l'hôtel Elysée Palace Ocreon côté de la Place de la Concorde à la main! Le Mossad a été le tournage de Moubarak dans le monde dans les réunions Klawasam Anas Verwcp et où l'alcool et les morts, et a également tourné dans les casinos de Cannes, Nice, Monaco et Asvijas et un pari perdu des millions de dollars à partir du sang des pauvres! Last but not least, Alaa a été filmé lors de la traite des armes au nom de l'armée libyenne au cours du siège, ainsi que l'approvisionnement en armes des milices somaliennes, ainsi que la garde Mahmoud Abbas, et les rebelles dans le sud du Soudan et le Darfour, etc .. Je jure que j'ai la passion pour l'Egypte et l'honneur militaire égyptien du renseignement militaire, où des milliers de Mbar preuve de recruter et de sa famille et son entourage pour le Mossad et la CIA, mais Omar Suleiman, lui-même complice avec le même équipement, ce qui explique l'échec du coup d'Etat militaire de toute date! Mahzp humiliation et de soins palliatifs dans le visage du gouverneur injuste, qu'est-ce que vous attendez , Othabon Moubarak Dieu ou vous concerné? Atalnoa Pourquoi la désobéissance, Atervawa Pourquoi armes dans la face, pourquoi Athion djihad, un devoir religieux de tout musulman est très raisonnable de prendre les armes? Sultan Iavgahae kaafir Alziosalibi, abandonné le sophisme byzantine, et a déclaré sur les sommets des minarets, le quartier Jihad, un quartier de l'agriculteur, le gouverneur du plus grand infidèle, Dieu est plus grand allié sur les Croisés, le Jihad district, un allié contre les fils de Sion! salem elkotamy ! salem elkotamy
  • кто писал
  • اضرابنا 6أكتوبر*هيا إلى السلاح أيها الرفاق!مصر تستنجد بأبنائها الشرفاء،ليصونوا شرفها ومجدها، من يد أحفاد صهيون،الذين إعتلوا عرشها في غفلة من الزمن!!سالم القطامي إضرابنا 6أكتوبر سقطت الملكية في نيبال على يد فقراء الشعب النيبالي؛فهل نحن أقل منهم شرفا وكرامة وغيرة وطنية؟!كيف نسمح لفلاح خسيس جا هل صهيوني أن يصبح ملكا علينا ويورث نسله الأجنبي عرش مصر ويستعبد ماخلقه الله حراً!!سالم القطامي اً‏ لست ذكراً كالرجال.. أنت مقلب ياجمال،هذا بالضبط ماينطبق على إبن سوزان الصهيوصليبية،وحفيد العرضحالجي خدام عبدالعزيز فهمي،مالك كفرالمصيلحة بأقنانها،والذي لولا شفاعته ،لإبن خولي الجنينة،ماكان شم ريحة الحربية أوالجوية،وهوراسب الثانوية،والذي توقف علمه وحلمه أن يصل لرتبة لواء بالاد،في عهد ولي النعم،الأرناؤطي فاروق الوضيع حفيد الدخاخني الأمي المرتزق الكردي موهميت علي المجلوب كالأغا من ديار بكر،فما أشبه اليوم بالبارحة،وإذا لم نتعظ من دروس التاريخ،فسنصبح كالمماليك،وسيدبر الأغا الخصي مذبحة قلعة،تليق بالقرن الواحدوالعشرين،وإقروا الفاتحة على روحكم وقولوا آمين!!!سالم القطامي
  • في يوم25 يناير،سأسعى للحصول على ترخيص لمظاهرة حاشدة في الذكرى الاولى لثورة 25 ينايرالمجيدة.. لا تراجع ولا استسلام عن استكمال الطريق الثوري إلى نهايته.وحتى تحقيق كامل الأهداف..ذكريات عبرت بخاطري.وكأنها البارحة.ومازالت الثورة مسسسسسسسسسسسسسستمرة....سالم القطامي
  • I recently was invited to hear Dr. Bryant Wood and others speak on the dig at Avaris in Egypt. There was much information given proving Semitics in Egypt from the time of Joseph to Moses and the Exodus, including many Semitic skeletal remains. Those who try to put the time-line of Exodus in the time or Ramses II are making a mistake. His son put up a memorial marker stating that Ramses II fought and won battles with the nation of Israel. How could that be if these were the people of the Exodus and nowhere near being a nation yet? The Berlin Pedestal find also is now proving the Exodus not to be in the time period of Ramses II. People need to pay attention to the archaeological finds. The Exodus is better dated to the time of 1450 B.C. Solomon dated the building of the temple at 450 years after the Exodus. The temple was built roughly 1000 B.C. date back 450 years and you have the Exodus at 1450 B.C.
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This article was last modified 18 years ago