The ADDRESS CIBUBUR H99- JollyNet Internet Connection for Community Networking (Depok)

Indonesia / Jawa Barat / Cileungsi / Depok
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Internet Connection for Community Networking is e-Society services, which provide all of the necessity from the society (Housing Complex) through electronic (e-commerce) and using wireless internet as an access vehicle,also provide wireless internet access nonstop 24 hours a day and 7 days a week through the Satellite (V-Sat c band) and fiber optic backbone without leased line or telephone costs.
Kota terdekat:
Koordinat:   6°23'53"S   106°54'43"E


  • Let's make e-society for residents of THE ADDRESS @ CIBUBUR
  • rencana detailnya dong pak ... saya calon tetangga nih. salam
  • Pak Dadung,silahkan hubungi kami di (021) 7160-7168 untuk informasi lebih lengkap tentang koneksi internet di THE ADDRESS @ CIBUBUR Cluster Ultima & D'luxe. Terima kasih...
  • Silahkan hubungi kami melalui email: Terima kasih,semoga bisa menjadi pilihan untuk akses internet di THE ADDRESS @ CIBUBUR...
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