United Church of Christ of Seneca Valley

USA / Maryland / Germantown / Maryland Route 117 (Clopper Road), 13421
 church, christianity, 1982_construction, 20th century construction, United Church of Christ (UCC), 1980s construction
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Established in 1982

Welcome at the United Church of Christ of Seneca Valley is more than a greeting - welcome is what we do.

As we watch children come forward for the Children’s Time in Sunday worship, our eyes also catch the expectant faces of several of our octogenarians; we're not sure whose smiles are larger. Our welcome includes all ages.

As we hear scripture read in accents telling us that English is not the reader’s first language, serve dinner in the on-going ecumenical ministry known as “The Lord’s Table,” consider questions challenging previously-held assumptions, or listen to panel members discussing Marriage Equality, we are reminded how richly blessed we are by such diversity. Our welcome includes a growing spectrum of the human family.

UCCSV's mission is to provide a welcoming and inclusive spiritual home for those seeking God's presence, preparing us to serve others in Jesus' name. We are an environmentally conscious congregation, engaging with the Spirit through art and music, sharing our resources and working for justice in our community and around the world.

Whether you are navigating the United Church of Christ of Seneca Valley’s website for the first time, or are returning for information concerning worship or some other aspect of our congregation’s ministry, we welcome you. No matter who you are or where you are on your spiritual journey you are welcome here!

On June 10, 2015, two solar arrays containing 114 solar panels were installed in the church's backyard, it went into operation on July 14, 2014 at 3:08pm, producing about 85%-90% of electricity daily (average 25kW) for the church building.

13421 Clopper Rd.
Germantown, MD 20874
Ph: (301) 540-3449
Web: www.uccsenecavalley.org/

Rev. Holly Jackson, pastor

Sunday worship service: 10am
Office hours: 8am-4pm (Wednesday-Friday)

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Coordinates:   39°9'39"N   77°16'40"W
This article was last modified 8 years ago