Aldro earthworks

United Kingdom / England / Malton /
 earthwork (archaeology), scheduled ancient monument
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The linear earthworks at Aldro Farm are well-preserved parts of an extensive system of prehistoric dykes which has been recorded on the Wolds. Their construction is thought to span the millennium from the Middle Bronze Age, although they may have been re-used later.

The monument includes a prehistoric linear boundary earthwork, one adjoining cross-dyke, a second intersecting cross-dyke and nine closely associated round barrows situated near Aldro Farm, at the western end of Birdsall Wold. The linear boundary defines the northern and western sides of a plateau whose southern and eastern sides are formed by the steep scarps of Brownmoor Dale and Birdsall Dale. The linear boundary runs from the head of Brownmoor Dale and curves around the brow of the hill, between the 220m and 230m contours, to the head of Birdsall Dale. Over most of its length the boundary comprises a single ditch, averaging 6m wide by between 1m and 2.5m deep, with an earthen bank on each side. The inner (uphill) bank is between 2m and 8m wide by up to 0.5m high; the outer (downhill) bank is up to 5m wide and 0.5m high, although in places only a slight ridge is visible.
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Coordinates:   54°3'13"N   -0°46'22"E
This article was last modified 7 years ago