Sultan Iskandar Building CIQ Complex (Johor Bahru)

Malaysia / Johor / Johor Bahru / Jalan Tun Abdul Razak
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Sultan Iskandar Building Custom & Immigration Quarantine (CIQ) Complex (en)
Kompleks Kastam, Immigresen dan Kuaratin (CIQ) Bangunan Sultan Iskandar (ms)
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Coordinates:   1°27'48"N   103°45'58"E


  • Expensive White Elephant
  • A delusional person's dream of a long lasting legacy, compounded with a successor who is an idiot, this expensive piece of crap will be used to showcase the wastage of the M'sian govt.
  • Even the old Johor Bahru railway station just next door has more usefulness than this massive waste of space.
  • I'm waiting 4 it 2 open ......
  • please.....think before you type anything....m'sian govt. has it's way to solve the heavy traffic(mostly caused by singaporean)....and for your's the s'pore's govt. who such an idiot and sellfish when they refused to agree the new bridge for causeway...don't simply judge it as white elephant if you don't know how it's operate...please be wise...don't be like a frog
  • that goes to u too .... think before u open your mouth. what comfort and what solution are you saying? this very afternoon, a friend just sms me, she was on her way home to jb and she's caught in the massive traffic jam at the newly opened complex. apparently, there was chaos everywhere. 1st day of opening, everything is chaotic. well, if they are so efficient, shouldn't all this have been avoided by using a more systematic procedure? yes, blame it on others (s'porean) but never at yourselves. if the heavy traffic is caused by s'poreans mostly, then what about those m'sians who flocked to and from s'pore everyday because they need to earn a living across the straits? don't they have a fair share in causing all those congestion? i guess, u are the one who should broaden your mind and stop being a frog
  • Zamarul, I am a malaysian myself, but i can't get use to the "m" way. You leave at malaysia you know how rot is it. Try to imagine you're in singapore position when you're trying to do things for your people. Will you bargain for your people and government good? yes you will. Don't tell me Malaysia will bargain for their people good, everybody knows what the hell happen in malaysia. And just because of doing it for malaysia good is not the purpose of singapore gov, why should singapore agree with the bridge without any good on top of it? singapore done the road well, manage in good system, why should i help you malaysia to wipe your ass? Of couse it must have some thing in return to bargain with. This is business, don't ever think that people will help you when you in need, you think things will be the same when you're out from malaysia? Right now everybody saying it's an white elephant. Moreover they want the bridge back in construction now. What a joke... look at this link below and read yourself.. you're a clever person. I know you can think why our beloved pak lah want to stop the project that time. Is it because johorean don't want? ha.... another joke. When you see the route it takes for in and out for a 1.3 billion project... you'll know how things get done in malaysia.. our beloved pak lah and tunku mahathir also agree that malaysia always no.1 in construction but can't see in management. I really don't know what they think when they plan a thing ahead. Maybe you can say why i don't want to be a singaporean than? well I tell you if i am doing so i am just a coward who don't face the problem. to change we must and so be it. Malaysian are too relax in every aspect, and wasting in every aspect. You can imagine our next one or two generation will be working in thailand or singapore like the indonesian working in our place right now. Maybe you'll think it's impossible since our been loved gov will help us that time. Well, let's see. Cause the gov won't change if their ppl don't.
  • How is this place the first stop of attracting/impressing to foreigners as a Main Southern Gate of Peninsular West Malaysia? Will it maintain or on bar as efficient & effective as any Singapore Island CIQ? The whole world is watching how the working attitude of all civil servants of Malaysia Governance in this 21st century today!!! I like to give them 6 months probation.
  • Lt Col Zamarul, I totally don't agree your opinion that traffic jam caused by Singaporean cars. This causeway always jam due to slow immigration process on both country. Malaysian cars also stream to Singapore to work and with family in Singapore and Malaysia but first time enter Singapore are really slow process due to Autopass registeration. The reason immigration process are totally slow. You thought Malaysian never go to Singapore due to stereotypeness and sentiment.
  • 时常搭巴士来回的朋友在CIQ要小心!有个朋友在CIQ toilet被打劫。 当时厕所没人她在上厕所时突然有粒头从隔壁下面看过来(相信这个人已经在厕所潜伏很久了)然后他就从上面爬过来顶着门不让她出去,我的朋友一直喊都没人来帮忙(可能也因为厕所没人)他一直打她打到她的脸肿,黑青,牙子给他打断了一颗。整个过程大约5-10mins。过后有听到声音就马上通知警察过来。那个人也被捉了。可怜我的朋友被他打到想猪头一样。 所以不管在哪里都好上厕所还是找个人陪着我一起去比较好。 (转发这个信息出去大家告诉大家,要小心哦)
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This article was last modified 4 years ago