10 Liberty Square (Boston, Massachusetts)

USA / Massachusetts / Boston / Boston, Massachusetts / Liberty street, 10
 office building, NRHP - National Register of Historic Places, 1870s construction
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10 Liberty Square was originally known as 55 Kilby St. It was constructed by Sturgis & Brigham circa 1880. These are same architects also designed Church of the Advent on Mt. Vernon St. on Beacon Hill's South Slope and the exuberant residences at 8 and 10 Fairfield St. in the Back Bay.

The building's style is mixed. The first three floors have an Italianate flavor, including a sort of Ruskinian arch above the door. But after the third floor the texture of the building changes, and it is topped with Romanesque arched windows, and barrel-style ornaments which echo them on top.

The building has been nicely renovated, and adapted for retail use, with first floor shops and upstairs office space.

10 Liberty Square is also on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Coordinates:   42°21'28"N   71°3'20"W
This article was last modified 7 years ago