El Penon Gold Mine

Chile / Antofagasta /
 mine, gold mine
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El Penon is 100% owned by Yamana Gold and it is a high grade underground gold-silver mine which began production in January 2000. It has a capacity of 4,500 tonnes per day agitated leaching /counter current decantation (CCD) and Merrill-Crowe plant. Since production began in 2000, continuing exploration has established a track record of replacing ounces mined. Positive exploration results continue to indicate potential for extending the mine’s life and for a sustainable production level of approximately 440,000 GEO per year. The mining method is underground vein mining utilizing the bench and fill method.

This boundary only includes the core El Penon deposit area and not the full concession which is very large and includes the nearby Fortuna deposit. The El Peñón property consists of 256 individual mining exploitation claims owned by Minera Meridian Limitada, a subsidiary of Yamana. The claims comprise an area of 49,302 ha covering the El Peñón mine, the Fortuna area, and surrounding exploration
lands. The boundaries of the mining exploitation concessions are legally surveyed and covered by two additional layers of claims for
increased legal protection.

As of Dec 2013 mineral reserves and resources were:

Gold: 2 .0 million oz proven and probable + 870,000 oz measured and indicated.
Silver: 64.5 million oz proven and probable + 24.1 million oz measured and indicated.
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Coordinates:   24°23'34"S   69°28'56"W
This article was last modified 10 years ago