India /
Madhya Pradesh /
Ambah /
/ India
/ Madhya Pradesh
/ Ambah
village, gram panchayat

Aroli is a Village and Gram Panchayat in Ambah Block Ambah Tehsil in Morena District of Madhya Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Chambal Division . It is located 37 KM towards North from District head quarters Morena. 15 KM from Ambah. 464 KM from State capital Bhopal.
Aroli Pin code is 476111 and postal head office is Kisroli.
Beelpur ( 5 KM ) , Goonjh ( 6 KM ) , Dandoli ( 8 KM ) , Kuthiyana ( 8 KM ) , Khirenta ( 8 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Aroli. Aroli is surrounded by Rajakhera Tehsil towards North , Dhaulpur Tehsil towards west , Dholpur Tehsil towards west , Saiyan Tehsil towards North .
Rajakhera , Shamsabad, Agra , Porsa , Morena are the nearby Cities to Aroli.
Hindi is the Local Language here.
There is no railway station near to Aroli in less than 10 km. How ever Agra Cantt Rail Way Station is major railway station 50 KM near to Aroli.
Aroli Pin code is 476111 and postal head office is Kisroli.
Beelpur ( 5 KM ) , Goonjh ( 6 KM ) , Dandoli ( 8 KM ) , Kuthiyana ( 8 KM ) , Khirenta ( 8 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Aroli. Aroli is surrounded by Rajakhera Tehsil towards North , Dhaulpur Tehsil towards west , Dholpur Tehsil towards west , Saiyan Tehsil towards North .
Rajakhera , Shamsabad, Agra , Porsa , Morena are the nearby Cities to Aroli.
Hindi is the Local Language here.
There is no railway station near to Aroli in less than 10 km. How ever Agra Cantt Rail Way Station is major railway station 50 KM near to Aroli.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 26°46'33"N 78°7'41"E
- Mal Basai 1.2 km
- Goonj (Goonjh) 2.6 km
- Rithona 6.8 km
- Barwai (Barbai) 7.4 km
- nadauli rajakhera 12 km
- Sitapurgaon,Rajasthan 13 km
- rudhabali 17 km
- Pusenta 19 km
- Viprawali 26 km
- Penthikhera 31 km
- Daljeet Ka Pura 0.9 km
- Beech Ka Pura 1.1 km
- Jaitpur Chambal Ghat 2.7 km
- Sabsukh Ka Pura 3.1 km
- Bandha 4 km
- Manish Jadaun JARAH (9414794446) 6.4 km
- Harishchandra Ka Pura 8.4 km
- Bhadauriya Ka Pura 8.6 km
- marena arawali hills 9 km