Plant 816 - Unfinished nuclear reactor

China / Chongqing / Fuling / Fuling, China
 military, nuclear reactor, military museum

In 1967 China secretly began constructing a plutonium producing nuclear reactor complex named Plant 816 inside a mountain near the town of Fuling, in Sichuan province. This project was part of China’s "Third Line" campaign, a reorganization of industrial and military facilities towards China’s rugged interior territory for protection in the event of war. Plant 816 was never finished, and China declassified the project in 2003. In 2010 part of the complex was opened to Chinese tourists. Geospatial analysis shows one entrance of the Fuling facility is located at 29.5455N 107.5033E. (For more detail, see:
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Coordinates:   29°33'24"N   107°30'26"E
This article was last modified 3 years ago