
Pakistan / Punjab / Garh Maharaja /
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This is a village on Shorkot and Shorkot Cantt Road. It is 8KM from Shorkot Cantt and 9KM from Shorkot City. It has 4000 thousand population. Literacy rate very low and most of people work as laborers and shopkeepers. Some have jobs in Pakistan army and Pakistan air force.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   30°49'3"N   72°10'9"E


  • Bus stop for proceeding to Faisal abad,Shore Kot city & Shore kote cantt.
  • faiz pur town near govt.high school khumanawala.only kumhar cast live here.40 home here only of kumhar family.
  • minimum people jobs in pak army ,navy and air force
  • Khumanawala is 63 km from jhang, 124 km from Faisalabad, 113 km from Multan, 35 km from Toba Tek Sing. Major cast is khuman, these are bassically Rajpoot , these are farmers,. Population of khumanawala is 24000. Now for last 10 years population rapidly increases due to Kashmir sugar mill and this small village becoming a market. Araen, jaat, kaathia, sial and many working class people also live here. People are also in Armed Forces anf forigen as well.
This article was last modified 14 years ago