
Kazakhstan / Ontustik Kazakstan / Arys /

Arys (Kazakh: Арыс; Russian: Арыс, earlier Арысь), is a town in South Kazakhstan Province of Kazakhstan. The population of the city was reported in 2007 as 37.6 thousand; together with the district administratively subordinated to the city's government, it was 64.7 thousand.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   42°25'55"N   68°50'31"E
  •  38 km
  •  656 km
  •  1004 km
  •  1448 km
  •  1503 km
  •  1641 km
  •  1644 km
  •  1742 km
  •  1844 km
  •  1908 km
This article was last modified 15 years ago