घनेश्वरी (Dhaneshri)

India / Bihar / Banmankhi /
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Dhaneshri is a Village in Bhargama Block in Araria District of Bihar State, India
It belongs to Purnia Division
It is located 37 KM towards west from District head quarters Araria
244 KM from State capital Patna Dhaneshri Pin code is 824124 and postal head office is Obra (Aurangabad(BH))
Dhaneshri is surrounded by Raniganj Block towards East , Kumarkhand Block towards west , Banmankhi Block towards South , Chhatapur Block towards North
Banmankhi Bazar , Murliganj , Forbesganj , Araria are the nearby Cities to Dhaneshri
This Place is in the border of the Araria District and Madhepura District
Madhepura District Kumarkhand is west towards this place
Demographics of Dhaneshri Maithili is the Local Language here.

There is no railway station near to Dhaneshri in less than 10 km. Banmankhi Jn Rail Way Station (near to Banmankhi) , Forbesganj Rail Way Station (near to Forbesganj) , Harapatti Rail Way Station (near to Banmankhi) , Arariya Rail Way Station (near to Araria) , Arariya Court Rail Way Station (near to Araria) , Dholbaja Rail Way Station (near to Forbesganj) are the Rail way stations reachable from near by towns. How ever Katihar Jn Rail Way Station is major railway station 80 KM near to Dhaneshri
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   25°59'20"N   87°7'51"E
This article was last modified 11 years ago