India / Karnataka / Davanagere / Uchangidurga
 ಛಾಯಾಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಲಗತ್ತಿಸಿ

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ಕಕ್ಷೆಗಳು:   14°33'36"N   76°3'16"E


  • Uchangidurga is located 30 km from Davangere on the Annaji route and take a left turn the fort is visible from the junction. There is a route from Alur deviation too, which is not recommended since the road condition is bad. The road proceeds toward Jaglur. History Uchangidurga during the Kadamba time was known as Uchchasringi. A great battle between a Pallava King named Nanakkdas and kadamba king Krishnavarma was fought in this very place according to 4th century inscription found at Anaji. The latter suffered a huge defeat at the hands of the Pallavas. He had to retreat to Banavasi as a consequence. Later Chalukyas reigned surpreme and bought this area under their control. They defeated Pallavas who had occupied the territory and chased them further south. In the middle of 12th century when Chlaukyas became weak and fading Pandyas took charge of this region. Tribhuvana Malla Pandya, Vijay Pandya Deva, Vira Pandya Deva, ruled over the region. Uchangidurga was the capital of the Pandyas, who claimed to be from Yadav race and their capital was Kanchipuram. Hoysalas took charge of this territory by defeating the Pandyas in the 12th century. King Vishnuvardhana routed them in the battle and he took charge of the strategic Uchangidurga fort. After the fall of Hoysalas the Vijaynagar rulers took over and dominated the region and it was given to Nayaks to govern. Hanumappa Nayak was the first to govern, later followed by Timmana Nayak. Timmana Nayak was considered to be courageous and daring soldier. He once sneaked into the enemy camp and rode off with horse of the general. This earned him instant recognition by the Vijaynagar emperor. He was asked to lead the army against Gulbarga sultanate. He was successful in defeating the Bahmani sultans. Thereafter in recognition of his feat he was given to take charge of Uchangidurga. But he abducted a courtesan from the Vijaynagar empire and incurred the wrath of the emperor. He escaped to Miyakonda and than to the jungles of Guntanur. He was ultimately forced to surrender at Rangapatna. He was imprisoned at Chitradurga Fort for his treason. His son Obana Nayak was installed to the throne at Chitradurga. After the fall of Vijaynagar Empire in 1565 he assumed the title of the famous Madakeri Nayak. He declared his independence and than constructed the famous fort at Chitradurga, Kallina kote. Thus Uchangidurga formed a pivot during the reign of the Nayaks. Many a battles were fought constantly. This territory was sandwiched between the Marathas and Hyder Ali. Some of the Nayaks took protection under Marthas and soon this region was captured by Hyder Ali. Thereafter Tipu Sultan took over the territory till 1799 AD when he was defeated by the British in the anglo mysore war.
  • As of 2001 India census, Uchangidurga had a population of 8616 with 4377 males and 4239 females.[1] Uchangidurga, was ruled under Nayakas (Madakari Nayakas of Chitradurga). And it is famous for Uchangemma Temple. On every month full moon day people gather from far places to worship Uchangemma. Recently a huge theft took place in a holy sacred temple, when thieves took gold and silver adornment from the goddess Huchangemma.
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This article was last modified 13 ವರ್ಶಗಳ ಹಿಂದೆ