Chozo Hut (Hinoemata, Fukushima) | hotel

Japan / Tochigi / Nikko / Hinoemata, Fukushima
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“Chozo Hut” Reservation Center:
Telephone (within Japan): 0278-58-7100 (Japanese Only) FAX:0278-58-7101
Telephone (from abroad): +81-278-58 7100 (Japanese Only) FAX:+81-278-58-7101
Address: 958 Tokura, Katashina-mura, Tone-gun, Gunma,JAPAN 378-0411

reservation by e-mail:
until 5:00 p.m. three days before your arrival. (or Fax:+81-278-58-7101)
If the form deadline has already passed, please make your reservation over the phone at +81-278-58-7100(Japanese Only)

Shared rooms and other facilities (dining room, baths, toilets). Use of soap, shampoo, or toothpaste not allowed (to protect water quality). Lights out is 21:00.

No cars allowed in this area, all movement is on foot only.

Charges include dinner and breakfast (following morning) * Consumer tax included
Adult  8,400 yen per night
Children of primary/elementary school age: 6,500/6,900 yen (children's menu)
Infant 4,700 yen(with meals)
Lunch pack(Rice balls and side dish, or Sandwich): 700 yen
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   36°55'37"N   139°18'58"E
This article was last modified 12 years ago