Yule Marble Quarry

USA / Colorado / Marble /
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Extremely high grade marble, 99.5% pure calcite altered to Marble by the heat from a local magma intrusion. Some 10-20 workers still active and quarry last known to be opperated by an Italian firm from from Carerra, Italy.

High altitude and underground workings make it quite expensive.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   39°2'3"N   107°10'3"W


  • The TV show "Dirty Jobs" once sent its' host, Mike Rowe here and filmed his involvement in the extraction process.
  • much of the marble used in the Washington Monument came from here.
  • a few new adits, All italian machines - state of the art and antiques. 60-70 percent exracted as opposed to 10-20% in most quarries. 1.4 million tons in reserves and a lifetime of 100 yeas expeced.
This article was last modified 11 years ago