Hari Parbat Fort (Srinagar)

India / Jammu and Kashmir / Srinagar
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Built on orders of Akbar, Mughal Emperor, stands on a hill of religious importance to Hindus (who believe that the hill-Hari Parbat- was critical in defeating the water demon Jalodbhava) and serves as the location for the shrine of Maqdoom Sahib

The first fortifications on the site were constructed by the Mughal emperor Akbar in 1590. He built an outer wall for the fort, and planned a new capital called Nager Nagor to be built within the wall. That project was never completed. The present fort was built in 1808 under the reign of Shuja Shah Durrani.
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Coordinates:   34°6'21"N   74°48'57"E


  • This houses the major temple of kuldevi of kashmiri hindus - MATA SHARDA.
  • This fort is crumbling, thanks to the indian forces stationed there. It is out of bounds for Archeological department and state government. It is completey in shambles and dillipidated since army/crpf took over in early 1990s. The erection of bunkers, and sharp shoot positions has completely changed the structure.
This article was last modified 11 years ago