Masjid (Abbaspur)

India / Jammu and Kashmir / Punch / Abbaspur

Suni Hanfi Mosque Abbaspur
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   33°48'48"N   73°58'43"E


  • This is the Central Jamiah Mosque of Sunni Sect (belongs to Diobandi School of Thoughts). Abbaspur had been badly fallen into ring of grave worshipers. This mosque amd madarsa had been organised by Mufti Abdur Rahman and Sardar Haji Muhammad Afzal of Chatra. Two Islamic clariks (Moulana Muhammad Younis(God may murcey on him) and Moulana Ilyas came into this place and tought the people the tru Islam,Din and Faith. These two clariks developed this Mosque and Madarsa. Now this Madarsa and Mosque considered to be one of the best Islamic Center in the Area.
  • its also called buli masjed and its very very beautiful in all over ajk.i like it very much
This article was last modified 6 years ago