
India / Uttar Pradesh / Bah /
 village, gram panchayat

Bateshwar is a village and Gram Panchayat in Bah Block Bah Tehsil in Agra District of Uttar Pradesh. This village is situated on the left bank of Yamuna River.

The name Bateshwar appears to have been derived from Vateshwarnath, one of the many names of Lord Shiva who is the presiding deity of this pilgrim town. Flanked by the holy Yamuna, Bateshwar has a plethora of temples, once totaling to 101. Out of these 42 temples still stand here. The beauty of this pilgrim town is its long line of Ghats dotted with a series of temples. The pilgrim town finds references in old scriptures like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Matsya Puyran etc.
From 8th century to 17th century, it remained an important town under the Maratha, Chandela and Bhadawar kings.
This also happens to be birth place of Prime Minister AB Bajpayee.

Bateshwar is also famous for its annual Cattle Fair, which is now almost four centuries old. It is held at Bateshwar today also at the same site which was earmarked by King Badan Singh for the fair. It is the biggest and the most spectacular cattle fair of northern India. Evening take part in the grand fair and leisure witness the sale-purchase of elephants, camels, oxen, horses, cows and goats etc. in the “Fair along with other rural amusements. visit Shiva Arti later cultural Shows focusing the Brij culture that includes " Makhan Chor Lila " (The act of stealing the butter by Lord Krishna), Mohan Rass” (Romance of Lord Krishna with Brij girls) and other famous plays Overnight at Bateshwar.
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Coordinates:   26°56'10"N   78°32'31"E


  • Jai Ho Baba Bateshwar Ki
  • the information is too short about this place.
  • All the notepads on the web will get short of pages if a self(an entity who, when get connected to SHIV his OM or and nor the infinite names of that reality) would start writing about. Above, the words are full of source of the self and the entity to believe. This place BATESHWAR which relates to Vatuknath and the hundereds of the stories which has gone through are precious and loose. The spiritual personalities of the past were so strong in their nature and attitude that this place could not lost the powerful waves of positivity and peacefulnes. But the force of the infinite source is so deep and greatful that any identity who is spiritually connected to the source of LOVE and PURITY can easily be effected and could be able to notify & feel the strong current of waves of DIVYA DHARAYEIN. And so is the soil.
  • Read The Story of Bateshwar :
  • my father never missed to come in the Temple on every Monday early in the morning.
  • i like this lord shiva 108 tample
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This article was last modified 9 years ago