Cascades d Ouzoud

Morocco / Tadla-Azilal / Beni Mellal /

أخوكم صيصاي الخذير من ألمانيا
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   32°1'46"N   6°43'2"W


  • brabou aouma arifi nachin amou inazou mara aderin irifin anakh :fatima Paris
  • MOROCCO TRAVEL WARNING !!! OK ||| "Dusty Henson" escribió en el mensaje ... ||| Beware of the filthy, sleazy Moroccan men that wait outside ALL the ||| nicer hotels, seaports, train & bus stations and ALL Tourist ||| attractions to sexually harass Western Women and look lustfully at ||| little boys, and demand to be your "guide" to PROTECT you from all ||| the other filthy, dirty want-to-be- "guides". When you get rid of ||| one, then another even more dirty and stinky comes up, and on and ||| on. This is an organized racket to EXTORT money from tourist and ||| business travelers. Their government will do nothing to Stop this ||| ABUSE. It ruined our trip and we will NEVER GO TO MOROCCO ever ||| again.. It's really, really bad... AVOID Morocco as it's just not ||| worth the problems "Brett Zell" escribió en el mensaje I am french, with french origins, born in Morocco. I left Morocco in 1971 and it was so nice at that time. I went back over there three years ago. Lucky I am to speak fluently, I even speak slang ! It was hell and I really had a hard time. It has been completely rotten by the tourism. I wanted to kill sometimes. I even went to a really bad fight in Marrakech, the guys drew knives etc .. Five against one, as usual. All of you, anyway, avoid any arab country. I am sorrry to say this, it really hurts me, but these countries are over now. Especially for americans. Sory about what happened to you. Cheers
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This article was last modified 17 years ago