The Former Prinz Heinrich Kaserne (Lenggries Kaserne)

Germany / Bayern / Lenggries /
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The Prinz Heinrich Kaserne (Called Lenggries Kaserne while used by the U.S. Army) was built in 1935/6. It was used from 1945 to 1970 by the United States Army. It was later used by the German Army. The compound is currently (2007) unoccupied, and the future use of the facility has not been decided.

I would appreciate someone providing a current status of this facility.

Late 1950's layout of Prinz Heinrich Kaserne:
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Coordinates:   47°41'3"N   11°33'33"E


  • I was in Lenggries Last Summer and checked on Prinz Heinrich and it was still vacated. Fenced off and no one there. Flint Kaserne in Bad Tolz was a thriving apartment / community. Lenggries and the Brauneck were still charming and magical. I was stationed in the 10th, C company in 67 and 68 and moved to Devons MA with the reforger in 68. Ken Chastek
  • Ken, I appreciate your update on Lenggries. I was stationed there 66-67 in the 10th, B Company, A18 (05B4S). Too bad it is vacated. Those buildings are solid and the location is beautiful. Good luck! Joel Anderson
  • I was there several years ago while it was still occupied by what appeared to be a German reserve missile unit. After talking to a young officer we were allowed to walk the Kaserne. I was there 1963--1965 in the 402nd Special Operations Detachment (Army Security Agency) imbedded with the 10th. I was an ASA linguist and morse intercept operator, but spent most of my time going out with A and B teams as a radio operator. Radio operators were in short supply. The building our detachment lived in had been torn down apparently (near the tennis court). That was the only change I could see. A quick tour of the little base museum turned up no notice at all that any Americans had ever been there. I was happy to show my wife and friends what a charmed life we led at the foot of the Brauneck.
  • Tim did you know JV Stephenson or a Capt Gordon there at the 402nd IMI People have no idea how absolutely beautiful that area is, certainly Bad Toelz itself. I remember Wolf's gastatte well. I retired several years ago from SOCEUR. It wasn't like going back home to Toelz. I just couldn't take my eye off southern Germany, though. Worked in Weingarten for a short time as an instructor, which was another well kept secret. Then part time duty at Fusen & Altstadt with der fallschirmjaeger; was just as memorable. We don't do that stuff any more in the Army --Ray
  • to round it up I wasstationed there for 2 years from 10/79 til 09/81 with the FlaRakBtl 33, a Luftwaffe Hawk missile air defense unit. Most of my time I was in charge of the beautiful Officers club out side the Kaserne with a sun terrace ovelooking the snow covered Brauneck montain. We had a lot of visitors from nearby Flint Kasern driving to Lenggries to enjoy some good bavarian food here with us.
  • Ken: I went training classes while stationed in Kelley Barracks, Morhringen, I still remember the murals that were painted on the Mess walls. It is a shame that is vacant, the buildings were well constructed.
  • I was a RADAR mechanic stationed in Kitzingen - and later in Aschafenburg. I was sent to Lenggries to learn about mobile radios and how to fix them. One of my Teachers sticks in my mind as a wonderful Teacher and a good patient person - Herr Schawbauer (I'm sure I slaughtered his name). I went to him for extra help in the equipment we were using and he was a great Teacher. He once told me that he had worked with Albert Einstein on theories of nuclear explosions in the 1930's. He was a very interesting man.
  • I was the 402nd from 66 - 68 as the Administrative specialist and knew both of those gentlemen. I have haven't contacted them in several years. Gordon retired to Pennsylvania and Stephenson retired in North Carolina. Both were good men. I am still in contact with several of the fellows that where with the unit at that time.
  • Was with the 402nd 66-68 as the Admin guy. New both men. Great guys. Gordon retired to PA and Stephenson to NC. Still in touch with several others.
  • Some of the buildings are currently in use as industrial units and workshops, one can be rented as for conferences, but most still appear to be vacant. There was an odd post-soviet feel to the place when I visited in the January snow, including a huge sculpted hand outside one of the buildings.
  • We lived in Bad Tolz but my father was in charge of the Mess Halls at Bad Tolz and Langgries...loved our time in that part of the world...1968 to 1970
  • I visited Bad Tolz a few years ago...the base is gone and what had been the base golf course now appears to be a German country club
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This article was last modified 7 years ago