Bipin Jaiswal House (Shambhukapura) (Jewaniya)

India / Uttar Pradesh / Sirsa / Jewaniya
 फोटो अपलोड करें

The Village has one primary school added by government since 1939 and the Ram Leela and Kirtan Mandali of the village is very famous in the Meja Tehsil. The Village is situated 1.5 k.m. from laksha griha where the Anciant Pandavas has left their ornaments and there after went for 12 years agyat vas. The village is sarrounded by 3 primary schools (2 English Medium and 1 Hindi Medium), 1 girls high school and 1 junior college.
आसपास के शहर:
ध्रुवीय निर्देशांक:   25°15'52"N   82°10'57"E
  •  58 कि.मी.
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  •  386 कि.मी.
इस लेख को अंतिम 12 साल पहले संशोधित किया गया था