Dusun Prapak kulon (Prapak Kulon)

Indonesia / Yogyakarta / Jetis / Prapak Kulon
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Prapak kulon, Sendangmulyo, Minggir, Sleman, Yogyakarta kode pos 55562
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Coordinates:   7°44'37"S   110°13'14"E


  • Kelurahan Sendangmulyo Minggir saiki kabare piye dab?
  • kabare apik, mbangun baledeso didemo terussssssss................(mummett)
  • Prapak Kulon, just the "same" as 17 years ago when I left for Jakarta for a couple of decades. However, I found something new in Prapak Kulon. Lots of new houses had been built along the street of Dondongan and Sembuhan. New emerging richly Jakartans (inherited from Prapak Kulon)had successfully "changed the face" of the village. Still, the people remained the same. The are making "besek",- a home-made bamboo-based handycraft items. Not so much changing. However, one thing is different is "Kelurahan Sendang Mulyo Hall" had already been built after the aftermanth earthquake in May 2006. We (I and some guys from Jonggrangan) usually play badminton. Do Mas Yoyok and Lurahe play badminton?! Go home on holidays of Idul Fitri and Chrismas and meet me there every Thursday and Saturday night. Are you still in Vietnam?!! What did you do there?!! CEO of Vietnamese company...or acting as the new elected president of Vietnam?!!! He-he-he...just kidding man! Wis pokoke lek mulih wae mas...anam besek, diekspor nyang Vietnam...bakal dadi do-it sing okeh!!!! Gantian ekspor beras ke Vietnam...wis kalah saing karo BULOG sing malah ngimpor beras seko kono! Lha dalah, globalisasi...globalisasi..poro petani Prapak Kulon kapan njur sugihe?!!! Ya toh?!! Yours cordially, Mas Edy Hermawan (Planggokan) The son of Pak Slamet Harjosulistyo.
  • I know some of Prapak Kuloners... I also know Pak Edy, the badminton player... Anybody comes from Sendangmulyo...fyi...saiki pemilihan lurah, lho...! Who is voted to be the new lurah?
  • pak lurah baru SUKAPSIR sembuhan, pensiunan polisi
  • Berapa tahun lagi ada citra dari Google yang jelas untuk Minggir dan sekitarnya? Bertahun-tahun kok citranya jelek. Kasihan deh
  • Salam dariku Ahmad Muhtadi. I used to be a student of SD Muhammadiyah Ngijon III Prapag Kulon Minggir and lived in Nanggulan Sendangagung Minggir, graduated on 1983. Now I'm an English teacher of a Yunior High School in Semarang.
  • Kangen aro desaku, wis meh karotengah tahun durung mulih maneh
  • Asalammu'alaikum wr wb semoga warga prapak dan sekitarnya selalu sehat amin................
  • Mudah2an lomba lansia mergan bisa jadi juara dan juga gejok lesungnya bisa jadi andalan sendangmulyo hidup mergan sehat selalu matur nuwun
  • Salam kanggo sedulur sedulur kabeh khususse wargo dusun Prapak Kulon umume wargo Sendang Mulyo, mbok jembatan Mergoyoso kuwi dipikirke bareng ditingkatke /diapiki (diluruske lan diduwurke usul karo Pemda Sleman.
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This article was last modified 18 years ago