Pakistan Heart Foundation [PHF,MH, IMRC] (پشاور) | ہسپتال

Pakistan / North-West Frontier / Peshawar / پشاور
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The Pakistan Heart Foundation (PHF 1974), emanated from the Muhammadi Hospital (MH 1970), which merged with the International Medical Research Center (IMRC 1988). The PHF provides non-profit cardiac care through the MH, and coordinates training for medics and paramedic, mobile health programs, clinical research and publications through the IMRC.  Non-invasive cardiac diagnostic service and medical management is provided to patients from Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (NWFP), FATA and Afghanistan. Preventive community based activities include the School Health Program (SHP), and Man, Mountain and Medicine (MMM). Over the last 35 years, out outreach projects have built a data-base of cardiac patients, which with Afghanistan, is one of the world's largest backlog of operable pediatric cardiac cases. In order to enhance its humanitarian service a charitable cardiac center is on the anvil, on 1.5 acres plot of land, along with the existing block of building of the MH-IMRC. This project is located on the main boulevard of the new town of Hayatabad, outside the main City of Peshawar, next to the Jamrud Town, on way to the Pak-Afghan border. The teaching multi-media resource (free downloads and online publications) are in use for professional training programs, with willingness to actively associate with other communities and welfare organizations across the world.
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نقاط مقام:   33°58'59"N   71°26'36"E ۔
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