Royal Greenwich Observatory (London)

Blackheath Avenue
London SE10 8XJ, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 20 8312 6608

The Royal Observatory, Greenwich (formerly the Royal Greenwich Observatory or RGO) was commissioned in 1675 by King Charles II. At this time the king also created the position of Astronomer Royal (initially filled by John Flamsteed), to serve as the director of the observatory and to "apply himself with the most exact care and diligence to the rectifying of the tables of the motions of the heavens, and the places of the fixed stars, so as to find out the so much desired longitude of places for the perfecting of the art of navigation." It is situated on a hill in Greenwich Park in Greenwich, London, overlooking the River Thames.

The Prime Meridian used to pass directly through the observatory, but it has since been shifted slightly east.
 museumobservatoryplace with historical importanceinteresting place
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Coordinates:  51°28'40"N -0°0'5"E